home theater

Home Theater Audio System

A home theater audio system is the perfect complement to any home theater system. It adds full sound to a great television screen and makes the movie or concert virtually “come alive” in your own living room. Of course, picking the right home theater audio system for your home can be a daunting task. Having a little bit of knowledge, however, can turn a daunting task into a fascinating and exciting experience.

home theater audio system

For starters, make sure that you listen and sample the various audio options in the stores. There is no greater test than your own ears. The quality of a system’s performance is something that could either provide you with a great experience in your home or become a nightmare with crackling and poor sound management. A good idea is to take your own material with you, like a favorite CD or DVD, and check out how it sounds on the speakers you might be taking with you. Most salespeople will have no problem with that if it means they may have a sale on their hands.

Home Theater Audio System: Subwoofer

Next, push the subwoofer to its limit. The subwoofer is the speaker that will rattle your floor and take the sounds of your favorite movie to your bones. You need a subwoofer that is capable of breaking glass and the best way to find that out is to test it out, again, in the store. Push the limits, grab your Star Wars DVD, and make sure that all of those great space battles sound phenomenal through the subwoofer. Any rattling of glass on the windows is a good sign.


Make sure you know your home theater room. Get familiar with the specifications and measure them out to be sure. You don’t want to end up with a speaker that is too large for the room or with a positioning problem because of lack of space. You also don’t want to end up with too few speakers that provide you with a spaced out sound. Everything has to be just right, and in order to get everything just right, you need to plan and practice your plan of attack on the enemy of great sounding equipment.

Finally, your home theater audio system can’t be complicated. Don’t get lost in the sea of extravagant home theater audio system numbers and simply concentrate on the basics: what sounds good, what looks good, and what is good. From there, you’ll be able to build a sound system that will be the envy of your neighbors and friends.

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