home theater

Interested In A Wireless Home Theater?

One of the major setbacks of setting up your home theater system has always been the hundreds of miles of wires and cables flowing through your room like pythons. With the advent of wireless home theater, that is no longer a problem and home theater can now be enjoyed without tripping over wires between the double features. Unfortunately, at the moment this great invention is only available in Japan. But I’m sure that soon, wireless home theater will be hitting our shores and changing the way we look at home theater forever.

wireless home theater

There are, in fact, several companies set to launch their wireless home theater systems on North American markets soon. Panasonic and Sony are just two of the giants of technology that have recently unveiled a state of the art system that uses infrared technology to set up and run your home theater system. The speakers, TV, and receivers are all integrated with computerized light technology to operate on one basic remote control together as a unit.

Some of the units include a main display on the DVD player that is actually an LED display. This allows for better control of the home networking functions and better calibration between the DVD’s need for sound and the sound that you can actually provide with the speakers. Through this, the DVD player can also access the internet through an Ethernet connection and perform tasks using that connection that will, once again, change the way we look at home theater systems. You can even play video games through this connection on your home theater setup. Amazing!

Wireless Home Theater: Techniques

The speakers are hooked up using this calibration technique that simply recognizes where the speaker is placed and develops a digital language towards it. The speakers are color-coded, in most cases, and can also be configured using the remote control. The control can also alter a specific speaker at the push of a button, so if you wanted more bass from your subwoofer it would take about three seconds to make that happen with this new system of wireless home theater.


Of course, the best part of wireless home theater systems for many is the lack of confusing cable and wires. No longer will your entertainment room look like a maze of cords and no longer will you struggle to stuff all of those extra cords behind the TV or in a shelving unit somewhere. Technological advances add not only to the convenience of the home theater experience but also to the aesthetic value.

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