home theater

Buying a home theater projector

A home theater projector can be a valuable investment for anyone interested in creating a long term home theater experience. There are several sources to consult when looking for a good home theater projector and an awful lot of information is out there floating around. Sorting through the information can be complicated and confusing, so I will outline a few of the factors that should be examined before purchasing a projector unit for your home theater.

home theater projector

Home Theater Projector: Brightness

Brightness in terms of your home theater projector is measured in ANSI lumens. Most home theater models of a projector measure anywhere from around 700 to 2000 ANSI lumens or more. Now, the place in which you intent to put your projector will affect the decision of brightness because of the factor of natural light and how it will influence the overall brightness of your projector. Darker rooms do not require as much brightness as some of the more open rooms.


Home Theater Projector: Image Quality

Image quality is important because it can fluctuate depending on the quality of what you are displaying on your home theater unit through the projector. A low quality signal, for example, will likely produce a low quality picture through the projector. Brightness, as discussed above, can also affect your image quality overall. It is important that a good model of DVD player or source video player is purchased and put into place so that the resolution and picture quality will mesh properly with your projector’s quality.

home theater projector chairs

Making a Home Theater Projector “user friendly”

For starters, try and select a home theater projector that has user friendly menus and interfaces. It is easy to get lost and confused with multiple buttons and symbols that are not easily interpreted. Find a projector that gives you the ability to select color changes easily and change between HDTV and other versions quickly. Also important is a remote control that is easy to use and functions properly with the user’s interests in mind. Some projectors also come with lens zoom buttons that make viewing a little easier.

Enjoy Home Theater Projector!

In conclusion, get to know all of the different factors a home theater projector involves. Finding the right fit for your home theater situation is important because a home theater system should bring you years of enjoyment instead of years of confusion and effort. Showing people your vacation videos or watching Barney with your kids should not be a life altering procedure; it should be fun.

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